Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Welcome To Chromosomes May Vary

Chromosomes may WHAT?
Check it out. I have a kid, with the recommended number of chromosomes. But I want to get one with a different chromo-count too.
I'm sure this is coming off a little strange. But I have fallen in love with the idea of bringing a child into our home who has Down Syndrome. So many of these kiddos are trapped in limbo, waiting for a family to find them and rescue them from a group home or a foster home and bring them HOME. Home home. Real home. Forever and ever, always will be yours, home. We've just embarked on this awesome/awful path of getting qualified to adopt and its a little overwhelming. There are so many tricky steps, so many things to do, and above all much money to shell out. Don't get me wrong, I really want to adopt a child, but I had no idea they SOLD them. Trying to justify taking a second (actually a third) job to bring this child home means that I will likely be told we are unqualified to adopt because of not having enough parenting time, even though DH is a SAHD.
Here's a little background on the family life for Momma P:
I work full time, DH stays at home with our 17 month old Baby P (aka BOOBER!). We live in a little house, in a little suburb, outside of a big city. We don't really have any extended family here, so we don't have baby sitters, so we haven't been out on a "night out" since before baby was born. That suits us well, since we have both been sober since before baby was born, too, so there isn't anywhere we want to go that Boober can't go. I want a second tethered to us, too. I want another kid to lug around, a second cup to fill, a sticky hand to hold in each of mine. 

We will get there. I promise the little one who waits for us...we will find you. We will make them let us bring you home. And then....that will be the most exciting day. Until the next day. And the day after that. There is so much we have for you, so much love, so many smiles, so much laughter. You will never long for love. I promise you, sweet child I do not know. Your Momma is coming...

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